ENhancing your CORE Business with Modern Technology
to Achieve a Targeted Outcome
- ENhancing your CORE Business
- Modern Technology
- Targeted Outcomes

ENhancing your CORE Business with Modern Technology By:

- Focusing on outcomes to drive change
- Leveraging the use of innovative/leading-edge technologies
- Extending the enterprise to realize a new potential
- Delivering through agile execution
Applying the Right Technology for Desired Outcome By:
- Embracing relevant technologies

- Determining what to build vs. what to buy

- Integrating with existing IT assets
- Taking a targeted/simplistic approach
EnCORE Value Proposition

- High standards for excellence

and capability

- Industry expertise

- Technical expertise

- Web and mobile development

- Edge technology development

- Robotics (RPA)

- Business outcome driven

- Incremental and iterative

- Institutionalized results

- Budget friendly rates

- Accelerated results delivery

- Leverage existing IT assets

Creating Valuable Insight from Disparate Data By:
- Answering hard questions through data analysis
- Blending targeted structured/unstructured and internal/external data
- Automating the data collection, aggregation, and publication processes
- Representing information with intuitive/advanced visual analytics
Creating a "Can't Miss Culture" By:
- Balancing culture and strategy
- Empowering people to believe in themselves

- Unleashing the full power of each individual

- Creating trust and belief in the organization

Partner with us, Imagine the Possibilities, Realize the Potential

In a perfect world, Vision + Execution = Desired Outcome. Easier said than done in today’s world of fast-paced, evolving technology.

With the continuous bombardment of innovative technology in the marketplace, executives are overwhelmed with which ones to leverage to accelerate growth. It’s not just about the technology. Institutionalizing desired outcomes requires dedication to business and culture transformation as well. EnCORE brings decades of experience successfully delivering visionary change to organizations and industries. Our approach is to enhance your IT investments in applications and data by extending your enterprise with advanced analytics and modern technologies. One size does not fit all. We work backwards from your desired strategic outcome to identify and implement a tailored solution that will be embedded throughout your organization to ensure success.

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Most of us learn about the scientific method when we are young and make ample use of it throughout our schooling. Yet once we get in the world of work, somehow this process is left behind in favor of experience, rigid adherence to rules, gut feeling, and/or lightning fast decision making. Profit From Science seeks to subvert this trend.

01 Oct, 2015